Diety Quest List


Data (May 10th, 2008)

Imperield Druid Ring

This is the third quest in the Deity quest line for Tunare if you choose her as your deity. It is hard to locate this zone but is particularly easy since the zone scales in level to your level. I did this at level 70 and the creatures were level 68 primarily with the guards being level 70; all were soloable.

It is at *-2185 55 937* in Antonica where you will find a highlight able rock. The pathway to the rock is near the scarecrow field, which is close to the griffon tower *Path starts at -2054 -21 701*. Once inside the zone you will have to find three amplifiers and destroy them. The first one is off to the right side as you enter and looks like a menacing statue. Approaching the statue a guard will pop up and try to kill you but it is easily dispatched.

You will do the same for the Eastern amplifier and the Northern Amplifier in the zone. Once that is completed you will have to gather 3 herbs that are in the zone. Again this is easy since they are relatively close to each other. With all the herbs gathered head into the middle of the circle dispatching the enemies as needed. Move the small stool close to the center as possible and after receiving the update use the altar you were provided with along with the herbs to cleanse the druidic circle.

The people who were previously slain will be brought back to life and your task will be completed. Head back to the High Priestess of Growth who will reward you for your efforts with a Deity Pet. The Tunare deity pet will increase your Wis and Agi by 13.8 points *at level 70* when you have it out and active. You will also be rewarded with more favor status towards Tunare.


  • XP: Unknown
  • Coin: Unknown
  • Item: Diety Pet
  • Special: Faction to Tunare


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