Claymore Quest


Quest Info (May 10, 2008)

Liberating The Cavaliers

You start this quest from Sir Groktog who is in the Commonlands at 316 -46 238. Your mission is to cleanse the sacred cavalier statues that have become corrupted.

The first statue is located at +171 -44 257 near the ruins of Val’Marr which is not far from Sir Groktog. When you near the statue a monster called “A Phantom of Odox” will spawn which is a high-end level 60 soloable mob. This creature isn’t extremely tough and should be dispatched rather quickly if you’re above level 65.

Your next target is the statue at 8 -50 -721 which is in Dog Trapper Lake. Nearing the statue will trigger another mob, but this time it is a level 60 ^^ mob. It is a bit tougher than the first mob, however if you’re above level 65 you shouldn’t have a problem. The attacks this creature is identical to its level 60 soloable cousin.

As for your final target it is at -586 -49 -623 in a small wooded area. This is the hardest part because 3 level 60 high-end heroics will spawn. They use the same attacks as their counter-parts so there is no need to change strategies.

With all of the Cavalier Statues cleansed of evil head back to Sir Groktog for your reward. Sadly all this kindly froglok knight has is a single coin, but it is a special coin. Sir Groktog hints that this coin is “best spent in the down bellow” which is underneath Qeynos. In The Down Bellow in Qeynos (statue at -144 -73) you will find Crow’s Resting Place. A lonely person at a table will be your next update starting the quest “A Crusade to Faydwere”. If you don’t have it I recommend buying the Guktan and Koada’dal language primer. You will need these and can’t purchase them in Kelethin if your Evil Aligned.


  • XP: Unkown
  • Coin: None
  • Item: None
  • Special: Under. Coin


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