Claymore Quest


Quest Info (May 10, 2008)

A Scolding Hot Encounter

Amygdalan Xhorroz will inform you that some of his commrades came into the Sanctum however they met an untimely demize. Xhorroz showing no compation for his compatriots will demand that you obtain the ceremonial daggers from their corpses. The first and easiest one to obtain is the grate covering just before the Pool of Spirits room.

The exact location of the grate is +59 +45 +101 and upon reaching it a corpse will spawn. It will be difficult but you will have to right click on the body and select the search option to get the ceremonial dagger. After doing this a group of 3 droags will attack you. Luckly they are whimps and can be easily dispatched without too much of a fight.

Next you will want to head to the hardest one to reach which is past the Hall of Rites room and is on the right hand side inside the door. The exact location of the grate is -59 65 57 and again upon reaching the grate a corpse will spawn on it. You will need to repeat the process of searching the corpse and defeating the droags to move onto your last dagger that you need.

 The last one to obtain will be near the gorg pit and have you search the corpse for the dagger. The grates location is at -33 57 227 and reaching it will spawn the corpse as for the other two you have done.

After the second update you will now have to kill the Herald of Dar who walks a path from the Temple of Scale entrance to a Pyramid structure near the second tree house. Sadly the Herald of Dar drops only one note in a chest so you will have to kill him multiple times if you are in a group to get everyone the update.

You will now be informed that the three ceremonial daggers appear to be some sort of key that goes to a vault. The vault lies within the dragon statue that is in the Hall of Rites room. Go behind the statue near the tail part and near the base you will be able to right click opening the vault. You will obtain an item that you will need to talk back to Xhorroz.

Going back to Xhorroz he will be down right peeved off that you disobeyed his orders. However out of the goodness of whatever heart he has you get a reward for recovering the daggers and the item from the vault.

After that you will complete this quest and will advance onto the Trading Information quest which Xhorroz will issue you. *Small Note* the order of which you get the daggers maybe pre programed and if so you can just get the locations from above getting them in the order you want or need.


  • XP: Unkown
  • Coin: None
  • Item: None
  • Special: None


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