Claymore Quest


Quest Info (May 10, 2008)

Soul Survivor

After examinging the tome you must find a way to bring it to life or animate the tome. You will need to head to the Chamber of Animation where you will place the tome on the Anvil of Animatus. Placing the book on the anvil will spawn the Tome of Animatus who will tell you to kill 4 Scaleborn Sentinel Builders and a Scaleborn Animator. These droag are located in the Chamber of Animation where you currently are. You may have to wait a bit to get the necessary number of kills but it shouldn't take too long as there are atleast three to four Scaleborn Sentinel Builders walking around at once.

Once you have killed those droag you will now need to dip a quill into two pools that reside in the Chamber of Animation. The clickable points are a little hard to see but should be inbetween the mid to pool part of the two pools.

After you have done this you will now head back to the Shade of Blyze who will instruct you to write something onto the armor. I won't spoil what happens but it gives some background to the whole story arc of what is happening in the Claymore Quest line. After a little event you will be treated to your choice of Essence Shield of Blyze for your class.


  • XP: Unkown
  • Coin: None
  • Item: Legendary Shield
  • Special: None


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