Claymore Quest


Quest Info (May 10, 2008)

Trading Information

Xhorroz will send you to locate a book saying that the readings on the parchment you recovered from the vault are undecipherable. The book is located in Exarch's Seclusion room and is straight passed the Hall of Rites room. The book you are looking for is called The Chant of the Exarchs and is off to the right as you first enter the Exarch's Seclusion room. However you cannot open the book and will have to kill the named droag Exarch Trulnariz to obtain the key. This will require another round of camping and sadly Exarch Trulnariz will not have the key on him but you will be directed to kill Scaleborn Harbingers in that room that do have the piece of the key. After getting the updates that you need you will be able to open the book.

Unlocking the book you will find many different pages but will find the page you need quickly. However you can't just rip the page out and will have to copy the page taking the copy back to Xhorroz. You will then be instructed to kill droags to obtain eight winds for the copy paper. As for the charcoal you need you will have to go to the left hand side of the Hall of Rites or this case the right hand side coming from the Exarch's Seclusion room heading through the doors down the hallway. You will come upon a room with the eternal ageis standing in some little dirt plots. It is in those dirt plots where you will find the charcoal you need for making the copy. You will be able to harvest up to 2 or 3 pieces per charcoal mount you find.

After obtaining those items you will head back to the Exarch's Seclusion room and make the copy of the page you need for Xhorroz. However you decide you would rather view what is on this page yourself not telling Xhorroz. You will need to find a droag that will willingly help you out to decipher the page you have copied. The droag you seek is in the prison sell with Gribbly the Gallant and he is called a Scaleborn Blasphemer. The droag knows what the map is however you will need to do something for him in return before he tells you what is on that page.

The Scaleborn blasphemer will tell you a little story of what happened to him and will tell you to stain the image of his rival. To do this you will have to go to a weapon rack and get an item from there. This isn't an inventory item and updates automatically when you have finished your objective. The weapon racks exact location is at -173 43 -180 which is in the recovery room on the side of the wall. Examining the rack you will get a sword and will now be told to slay Scaleborn Ritualists which will be located everywhere in the Sanctum of the Scaleborn. However a good place to find some is in the Hall of Rites where if your lucky up to 2 or 3 will be in a group. After slaying the required number of ritualists you will have to place the item back into the weapon rack in the recovery room where you got it.

Now that you have accomplished this little dirty deed for the blasphemer he will decided to give you the information you require to know about the map. The Scaleborn Blasphemer will tell you that even to him the page you have is undecipherable and the reason is it is a map encoded in some sort of wraith energy. You will feel a bit cheated but for your assistance in smearing the image of the Blasphemers rival he will direct you to a place that will help you out. You will need to head to the Reservoir of Wraith room which is at the very bottom of the Sanctum of the Scaleborn.

The exact location of the room is +115 +36 -158. In that room you will have to examine one of the four baskets to obtain a wraith crystals which will help you view the information that is on the page you have. Unfortunately the crystal you have will require wraith energy to work and you will need to start slaying wraiths to put energy into the crystal. After slaying enough wraiths you will be able to view the information that is on the page which will turn out to be a detailed map leading you to your next quest.

You will decide that this information is too dangerous and valuable to just hand over to Xhorroz. The best thing to do is hide this map away somewhere in the Sanctum of The Scaleborn so he cannot get it. For some reason the best place to hide it will be the Talon Flight Armory inside the Tome of Scalebonr Tactics. The exact location of this tome is -49 +128 +199 and should be near the NPC that is opposite of the PH for the Scalelord that spawns in that room. Once that little mission is accomplished your last and final goal will be to in a sense of mind spit in Xhorroz face.

Returning to Xhorroz you will tell him that the deal is off and you have found the location of your next objective. To add insult to injury you will tell him that you have hidden the map in the Sanctum of The Scaleborn and that he will never find it. Xhorroz will be furious with you and the fact you have betrayed him however he will give you a choice of reward telling you to be gone from his site lest he decide to kill you.

This will end your alliance with Xhorroz and you will now venture on your own again to obtain the Riddle of The Vault quest.


  • XP: Unkown
  • Coin: None
  • Item: Item Piece
  • Special: None


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