Claymore Quest


Quest Info (May 10, 2008)

An Uneasy Alliance

You will need to make your way to the Invoker Pool room which is in a very deeper portion of the Sanctum of The Scaleborn area. Amygdalan Xhorroz will be off to the left as you first enter the Invoker Pool room. As you begin talking with Xhorroz he will shed some light on a few of the goings on in the Tenebrous Tangle zone and why he is there.

Your first order of buisness will be to obtain an item or a scroll for that matter from a stone chest. The chest you need to get the scroll from is down in a pit in the Hall of Rites room. The chest will be against the side of the wall which is the wall near the dragon statue you see as you first enter the Hall of Rites. As you examine the statue you will need to find a way to open it and will have to find four gems to place into the slots.

You can obtain these gems from the Giant Eternal Ageis that spawn in the Hall of Rites room your in. It will take atleast three to four kills in order to get one update, but if your lucky you may get the update inside of four or five kills. Once you have obtained all four gems you will need to head back to the chest and open it to retrieve the scroll. After doing this you will head back to old Xhorroz giving him the scroll. Xhorroz will be a little generous and give you a choice of bracer/fore arm armor reward.


  • XP: Unkown
  • Coin: None
  • Item: Forearm Equipment
  • Special: None


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