Raid Tactics


Chamber of Destiny: Leviathan

Zone Walkthrough/Information

The Chamber of Destiny where the Leviathan is located is in the Jarsath Wastes in the water near Chelsith. To enter this zone you must have killed either Venril Sathir and The Overking because it will flag you for the zone. However an update has fixed it so you only need one person with access in order to zone everyone into the zone. All creatures in here will be orange even at level 80 so you will have to be prepared for a rather difficult fight.

Starting off you will see a bunch of fishmen roaming around that are level 86x4 epic encounters. Have your main tank pull one creature then quickly debuff it so it isn't going to one shot the MT. Each fishman or Yah'lei you kill will drop a fishman suit that must be used for the leviathan encounter. These should be assigned to people that can do massive amounts of DPS and have a decent amount of critical chance for spells. Assassins, Bards, Wizards and Warlocks are great to use these, but arn't required.

Going around there should between 5 and 6 Yah'lei roamers that will drop 1 fishman suit. Each suit will have 5 charges on it allowing your target person 5 attempts at the Leviathan's Insides. Before you kill the last Fishman you must decide which area you want to attack from and get setup there. You can attack from the side opposite you come in from or you can attack from the entrance if you like. The choice is up to you with the core strategy being the same for this overgrown....creature.

After killing the last Yah'lei you will want to retreat into either little hallway in the back or front to allow the Leviathan to spawn to give you time to setup. Once spawned the leviathan is a rather ugly and nasty creature not to mention it has some rather powerful abilities at its disposal. If you attempt to attack it from long range leaving it in its pool the creature will caste an AoE instance wide ability that will kill everyone in the raid in 1-2 ticks. The strategy is to have your main tank run up to the leviathan and have everyone follow him/her casting no abilities. Only when the MT has the leviathan targeted and under control will you start to debuff him.

This will be said once and only once for this walkthrough. NEVER EVER USE AoE ATTACKS OR DEBUFFS ON THIS CREATURE WHILE REFLECT IS ON. During the fight the leviathan will constantly have a buff on that on 10% of hits it receives will cast a buff on it. This buff will cause 50%+ of all attacks on it to be reflected on the castor of that attack. If you cast an AoE wide mitigation debuff there is an extremely good chance it will go onto the Main Tank who will quickly die. Luckily the druid (Warden/Fury AA) ability Serene Symbol which removes buffs can remove this ability that the Leviathan has cast on itself.

It is recommended to have two druids for this fight possibly three to make it alot easier. While the druids are healing have them watch the Leviathan's buff list and see when the reflect buff goes on it. Then have your druid try to remove the buff from the leviathan. At first this will be tricky because there is a chance serene symbol may not remove it so you will need to becareful. However when the buff is removed you will have your druid call out that "X ability has been removed" or "The Reflect ability has been removed" or "Reflect is off". This will signal your raid to quickly toss in their attack debuffs on the creature then go back to auto-attacking when someone yells out "The Reflect is back up" or "Reflect is On".

With that worked out you will cycle people that go into the Leviathan with the fishman suit on. You will need dps that can solo tank high end ^ soloable creatures and kill them rather quickly in under 2 seconds. Each creature killed will drop 1-3 vials of liquid that must be used while you are inside of the leviathan. This little vial of liquid is what will actually damage the Leviathan. If you fail to use a vial of liquid while you are in the Leviathan after a period of time the Leviathan will cast an AoE instance wide ability that will wipe the entire raid.

At 20% An Orb will Activate on the left side of the room *If you are fighting from the back* or the right *If fighting from where you came in* that will cause the Leviathan to become immune to damage. This is the difficult part because you will need someone with the items from the Protector's Realm to run and deactivate the orb that is protecting this creature. Once the orb is deactivated it is permanently deactivated for the rest of the fight. Have your people keep hammering away inside the Leviathan with the vials of liquid until he dies.

One warning is every death that happens will cause the leviathan to heal himself by 2% which effectively negates the vial of liquid used inside of him to damage him. Each Vial does about 2% damage, but with 100% critical damage spell chance can do up to 3%-4% damage to him unless he has been recently updated. Again there are different strategies out there to take care of the leviathan, but this is essentially the core strategy.

A final strategy that can be offered up is the casting strategy. You have 2 castor classes and 3 damage classes loaded up read to go in. During the fight you will have your dps classes that can solo go into the Leviathan let off a vial then start killing as many of the roaming things as possible looting all of the vials. The dps will then give these vials *keeping one for themselves* to the castor classes with high damage critical chance potential. You will then have your castor class go into the Leviathan and let off as many vials as possible to do significant damage to it. Doing this each castor class should be able to get off 3-5 vials which can do 6-10% damage to the Leviathan in a short period of time.

Unfortunately the hard part about this zone is you must have fishmen suits to go inside of the Leviathan. If you run out you will have to wait for the fishmen to respawn inside of the zone in about 2-3 days. A bright side to this zone is that the vials of Liquid are zonable along with the fishmen skins. So if you have extras left over from this encounter or previous encounters you can stock them up. You can buy vials of liquid off of the broker if you are running low, but this isn't recommended since they can sell for ridiculous amounts.

Zone Information

  • Zone Mob Level: 86+
  • Epic Level: x4
  • Number of Bosses: 1
  • Rooms in Zone: 1


  • The Leviathan


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