Source for Quests, Items, and knowledge about MMO Gaming

Data (May 10, 2008)

Background was created June 14th 2006 and is under the hosting company.  The site was created with the idea of high-speed data access in mind.  Each file created will ranged between 6 and 20kb helping to keep slow access to an almost non-existant problem.

The first site revamp was an experimentation seeing what could be done as far as website creation.  It helped to push the knowledge of the website creator seeing what really made a website.

Site revamp two is straight up website in the sense made by Arcsin that was posted up on a website that has free website templates.  It is more professional than the previous website version and has an easier to use interface. 

Currently a third website upgrade is planned, but it won't be implemented for two to three more years.