Item Database


List (May 10, 2008)

Two Handed Weapon List

Currently there are only a handful of fabled T8 two handed weapons to obtain and a few legendary ones.  (At the moment there are no Two Handed Mythical weapons except those given to guides, csr and gms*).

Below is the current list of two handed weapons in the item database.

  • \aITEM 1361917570 -11078627:Breath of Bertoxxulous, Greatstaff of the Defiled\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM -1938030881 1168278821:Colcatoth, Spine of the Leviathan\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM 1007202618 -1226740783:Doombringer Pendulum\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM 1948138833 198734838:Hammer of Bashing\/a (Image)*
  • \aITEM -1418599198 -759046542:Rune Scarred Jiniskian Staff\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM -1205933509 404505415:Spear of the Eyegouger\/a (Image)