Item Database


List (May 10, 2008)

Cloak List

Cloaks are a mixture of T7 and T8 items because some diety cloaks are below level 70.  Cloaks in the item database range from master crafted to fabled cloaks off of powerful raid mobs.

Below is the current cloak list in the item database.

  • \aITEM 1298389200 208631197:Cloak of the Green Claw\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM -1275686040 1749090571:Cloak of the Grungetalon Champion\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM 1107174978 -1324984849:Cloak of the Runneye Champion\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM 1846366382 -1542514489:Cloak of the Sandscrawler Champion\/a (Image)