Item Database


List (May 10, 2008)

Secondary/Symbol Items

Secondary/Symbol items can be crafted, quested for, or looted off of epic mobs.  The secondary/symbol item area will contain just that and won't have ranged weaponry in it.  For other classes that can't use ranged weaponry you can equip a symbol/secondary item thanks to a Live Game Update. 

Below is the current list of secondary/symbol items in the item database.

  • \aITEM 199299490 1774699213:Blood of the Brood Watcher\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM 272184730 -594014201:Iztapa's Devotion\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM -1381479555 1926643473:Ivy-Shrouded Orb of Tunare\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM -2045331584 1436470522:Orb of Tishan\/a (Image)
  • \aITEM 789604956 622541615:The Praetor's Guard\/a (Image)